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Writer's pictureKyle The Grateful

Adapt and Move Forward

If you're unaware of my story, then here’s a revised version of it. I took the plunge and opened a Yoga studio in Liberty, NY around the middle of December 2019. This wasn’t an easy decision to make, but when I took the time to really think about it, I knew I was doing the right thing. And this was confirmed over and over again because I could honestly feel it deep down in my heart and soul that I was meant to do something like this for my community


Little did I know, or anyone else for that matter, that a pandemic was on the horizon. It took the dream that I had and put it on hold without my permission. And I say “on hold” and not crushed or ruined my dreams, because my purpose was never solely tied to the Yoga studio, but what it represented to the community and to my bigger, more grandiose passions.


You see, I learned a little while back about this idea of a theme in your life. This is different than your passions, dreams, goals, and things that you want to achieve in your life. We all have those to a certain extent, but above of those should be this overarching theme that houses those passions, dreams, and goals. And for myself, I came to the realization that helping others was the theme of my life, my motivation, my driving force, and what truly fueled my intentions.


When I made the decision to officially close my Yoga studio in August of 2020, I knew that this wasn’t the end of my dreams because my dreams were always bigger than a physical space. I wholeheartedly believed that this was just another obstacle to overcome, and while navigating it, I figured out that my dream had just manifested itself in a different capacity.


This is exactly when A New Breath Health & Wellness was born. I mean it was always there, but I just wasn’t ready to see it or embrace it in my life. So, that’s where my journey has led me to today. I am the proud owner of a new business that incorporates Nutrition, Yoga, Meditation, and overall Health & Wellness. But, just like my Yoga studio before, it’s all rooted in the theme of my life, which is to help people discover the best version of themselves.


And, to be completely honest, I couldn’t be happier in this moment. I couldn’t be more excited for what the future holds, because no matter what, I know that my heart will never let me down. It will never fail me. It will always guide me in the direction I’m supposed to go. Understanding this, along with so many other things, is why I am eternally grateful for every single thing that has happened in my life thus far. Because it brought me to this point where I have the opportunity to do what I love, what I am passionate about, and help people along the way.


I want you to think about what you’re passionate about, what your dreams are, and what you believe the theme is for your life. If those don’t align, then something has to change because you don’t want to go through the rest of your life being unsure, being unhappy, and feeling dissatisfied. That’s no way to go through life. So, use this moment and every moment after to not only create a life worth living, but a life worth loving.


What else could be better? In my opinion, absolutely nothing.


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